Ms. Pac-Man Multicade

This classic Ms. Pac Man arcade cabinet features many great classic games from the 80s.


Washers is a popular outdoor game involving tossing over-sized washers towards a board with a recessed cup.

Giant Jenga

In this oversized version of the classic block stacking game, players take turns removing blocks from the tower and balancing them on top.  The game ends when the Jenga tower topples over and someone yells “Jenga!”. Requires slightly more spacial awareness than the original.

Giant Connect 4: Plastic

Our Giant Connect 4 rental is one of our more popular games that we offer. It is a great addition to many different types of parties and events. In this oversized version of the classic game, the goal is to connect four of your game pieces together on the board before your opponent can do so. The unit is lightweight enough to be easily carried, yet spans 5ft across. The donut shaped pieces along with the handy built in storage poles, make for a nice neat look at your event.

If you’re curious as to how the game looks in action, here’s a video showing how it works. The game play is the same as the original size version. Players take turns placing game pieces from the top until one player has four connecting pieces. The connections can be made vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. If all pieces have been played with no winner, then the game ends  in a draw.

The most popular game to rent alongside Giant Connect 4 is typically our Giant Jenga rental.


In this classic bar game, bean bags are tossed at a slightly raised board with a hole near the top. Points are awarded for landing in the hole, on the rim, or and on the board. We have a variety of colors and designs, contact us about availability.

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat revolutionized the arcade industry and ushered in the new era of violent video games.  This 2 player fighting game still stands up as one of the most popular titles in the genre.

Mario Bros

Mario Bros is a classic 80s arcade title that introduced many of the characters that would become iconic in future Mario titles.  The game allows for two players at the same time who can either work together or try and sabotage one another in order to snag the high score.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A classic  side-scrolling arcade “beat ’em up” from the 90’s featuring the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Fight through progressive levels of baddies.

The Simpsons

Classic and very popular side-scrolling “beat ’em up” arcade from the 90’s featuring television’s The Simpsons. Play as Bart, Lisa, Marge, or Homer as you fight your way towards the evil Mr. Burns and his sidekick Smithers.


NBA Jam is a classic 2 on 2 basketball game with little regard to real-world physics.  Play as you favorite 90s era NBA stars and face off with 3 of your buddies in a game of old school digital hoops.

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