Giant Connect 4: Plastic

Our Giant Connect 4 rental is one of our more popular games that we offer. It is a great addition to many different types of parties and events. In this oversized version of the classic game, the goal is to connect four of your game pieces together on the board before your opponent can do so. The unit is lightweight enough to be easily carried, yet spans 5ft across. The donut shaped pieces along with the handy built in storage poles, make for a nice neat look at your event.

If you’re curious as to how the game looks in action, here’s a video showing how it works. The game play is the same as the original size version. Players take turns placing game pieces from the top until one player has four connecting pieces. The connections can be made vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. If all pieces have been played with no winner, then the game endsĀ  in a draw.

The most popular game to rent alongside Giant Connect 4 is typically our Giant Jenga rental.

Giant Connect 4: Plastic

rental in Austin, Texas

Single day game rental - Multiday rental discount available

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Game Rentals
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